Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I love this thing!

My dear sweetie brought this thing home to me one day. It's not made of the strongest material, as you can see, it's been reinforced. It's made my life a lot easier. You know some missionary moms have to wash their clothes in the river. (Jungle Mom's post on this forever silenced my laundry whine. That's not the post, but you will see what I mean. I will never complain again!) I think this is cheating.


TO BECOME said...

That is a really handy thing to have. My oldest daughter in law would love it. Have a great day. connie from texas

Starr said...

Wow Sarah! That thing is awesome. Althea totally NEEDS one of those!! And if anybody knows why, it would be you. LOL

Sarah Joy said...

Yes, I know exactly what you are talking about Starr! I've thought of her often while hanging stuff on this.

Tori Leslie said...

Hey Sarah,
How is it that I have never found your blog?
I have a special intrest in missionary wives. Where are you if I can ask.
One more question: are you Independent Baptist? Hope you don't mind me asking.

I have two of those clothes hanging thinggys. I use a normal clothes line in the sunny weather but those clothes racks are my rainy day friends.

Glad I found you, I'm adding you to my Bloglines!

Sarah Joy said...

Hi Tori! I love your blog-I wasn't around the internet for a while because our connection was having problems.

I don't mind the questions a bit! You can find out about my church in the link to the right for Lighthouse Baptist Church.(Under the blog list) Yes, we are Independent, Fundamental Baptist, and we love our church.

We've been living in Tijuana, Mexico for the past two and a half years, learning Spanish and ministry. In October or November, we will get head back to our home church to get our things in order, and in December we are going to Mexico City.

There are traditional clotheslines here for me to use, they are just down the hill, and I'm kinda lazy about lugging three loads of clothes up and down six times a day. It's so much easier to pop that thing outside.

Tori Leslie said...

Thanks Sarah for the answers. If you don't mind I'm going to add you to my already pretty long missionary wife list. I'm glad I found you.

Sarah Joy said...

Thank you Tori!

redneck preacher said...

The older girls should hurry up
And get a little taller

Develop skills like folding clothes
And come when they hear a holler


Sis. Julie said...

Whatever you have to do to get the job done I say. I have a rack that I use for my skirts since I'm tall and can't dry my skirts in the dryer for fear of them shrinking in length. It is more like a coat rack that adjusts and is used in closets or bedrooms...but it serves its purpose. Whatever I have to do to get it done. Isn't it wonderful to have the resources to do what we need to?

A Wonderful Life! said...

Hi-I live on my parents property in a different house and I am a frugal mother of 2 girls trying to cut costs. I recently mentined to my mother I wanted to have a laundry line and she said "your not putting one of those up on the property they look terrible" I was so upset with her reaction and the fact I couldnt hang my laundry outside to dry-- then I saw these pics. I could do that on the porch and it would "offend" anyone if the couldnt really see it. Thanks for the post and new idea. Stephanie

Sarah Joy said...

Hi Stephani! There are some great solutions on Amazon dot com for drying clothes without a traditional clothesline. I found something similar to my clothes rack for $59.95 there. There are also retractable clotheslines and indoor accordion style racks.