Wednesday, March 14, 2007


If I hear those words one more time....

I am peculiarly amused by the protectiveness of my kids over things that are completely worthless. They play on dirt, in dirt. There is enough dirt to go around for a hundred children. But they fight and war over the pound that they have in their hands. This is a testimony to the fact that children are foolish by nature.

I would never behave that way. Would I? How does God see my value system? Honestly, I think He shakes His head at me like I shake my head at my girls. Think about it--in heaven, the purest gold is the pavement. What do I value? What does God think about it?

2Co 4:6-7 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

God put His wonderful treasure into something He values far beyond gold or precious stones; His children!

Mat 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

So where is God's heart? You know, when I hear my kids fighting over worthless things, I am moved to correct their values. I think God wants me to value His truth, the gospel of salvation, and the precious souls of people more than I do, and value things, wealth, and comfort less than I do.

The treasure of my salvation is something I will always have, and cannot lose. Thank the Lord for saving you today, if He has. If you need to accept the gift of God, please don't cling to something in your life that is utterly worthless to pass up the priceless gift of salvation!

Jesus spoke to a rich man who had kept the law all his life. He was a "good"person, and he wanted to know how he could come to God. Jesus challenged him to give up all his possessions and follow Him, and the man went away sorrowing. What is in your life that you will not give up to accept Christ? Nothing is worth the loss of your soul! How it must grieve the Lord to see people refuse salvation for the vain things of the world like riches, position, or even family relationships. God gave the most precious Treasure He had to save you, His own Son. (And He owns all the treasure in the universe by right.) That was how much He treasures you. Don't pass the treasure He wants to give you!


Anonymous said...

For sure!

And AMEN!!

Praise God for the gift of salvation, a great message for coming in to easter

Rita Loca said...

Yes, I think we do try and hang on to our dirt! Thank goodnees, our Heavenly father loves us even in our selfishness.

Tammy said...

EXCELLENT thoughts, Sarah!

Sis. Julie said...

This is really good!! I thank God that He saved my dirty as I was and still am...He still loves me!! What an awesome thought!!

TO BECOME said...

I thank God for His blessing on Me. Thank you Sarah Joy.connie from Texas

Mishel said...

Excellent post!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post! I rejoice daily that my Savior loves me with an everlasting love and covers me with His hand! Hallelujah!

Jackie said...

Hi Sarah, this is my first time to your blog and there I am listed as one you read often! I've been surfing through your posts, and I'm sorry I haven't visited sooner! thanks for commenting on mine and here's a website to answer your question.

redneck preacher said...

Pretty good kid. Is this really the little girl that we had to retreive from trees, stop her from following her brothers and almost force her to play with dolls?

Our Spanish course is weird. I now know how to ask my bride out for a beer. Being that neither of us partake and seldom go out I wonder about our selection of tutorage material.