Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Week on Facebook

I decided to post something I'm thankful for every day this month, way before everyone else started to do it.  But then I hadn't started when they did, so I can't claim to be a trendsetter.  But I totally came up with the idea on my own!  Thanksgiving is an important holiday for me.  So much of our Christian life goes down the tubes if we forget to live in Thanksgiving. Plus, it's the perfect introduction to the Christmas Season, where we remember the Gift of Jesus, the Lord of glory, who wrapped Himself in human flesh so He could pay for my redemption.  Thank you Lord!

My Thanksgiving posts are italicized.


Most of the Christians in the church are keeping their kids out of school this week. It will hurt their grades, but they are forcing all the children to bring offerings for the dead. They have services the children must participate in. If they don't participate, the teacher can discipline them. One of the more lenient teachers said the student would be excused if he stood up in front of the class and told them all the biblical reason why he was not honoring his dead like every one else. He just turned five.

My littles are still coughing, although it gets a little better every day. I'm thankful for that, and the fact that we have seen no asthma at all. Thank you, because I know a lot of you are praying for them to heal!


Heard in my house today, singing: "Superclalafradulisticexpialidotious! Even though the sound of it is something HALITOSIS!"

They make me laugh, thought I'd share.

We had family day today. I'm so thankful for a family that I enjoy and love to laugh and keep company with each other.


I'm thankful God made a place for me to serve and lead me to it.


Today I'm rejoicing for the strength that God provides each day, right when I need it. His mercies are new every morning, and He's teaching me to take each day with the strength he provides as I need it.


My dear husband took the night shift with the kids, who needed help with their coughing. I'm so thankful for him! Now hush so he can sleep!

Heard in my house today: (earnestly) "A infinito! Y máth allá!"

Translation: To infinity! And Beyond! (with a lithp)



put this on your status if you know someone or are related to someone
who has been eaten by dragons. Dragons are nearly unstoppable and can
breathe fire. 93% of people won't copy and paste this, because they have
already been eaten by dragons. 6% of people are sitting in the shower
.........armed with fire extinguishers,... while the remaining 1% are awesome
and will repost this.

(I'm not a reposter, but this one was too important to let pass.)

When He saw the need I was in, my Creator did not hesitate the pay the price to rescue me. This is what Thanksgiving means to me. He gives so much because He is good, but He doesn't have to do anything else for me to prove His love. He's already given His all.


1 comment:

redneck preacher said...

Someone has said that people with active imaginations will never develop Alzheimer's disease. If this is the case you have a shoe-in for a long and alert life.